Hello and welcome to The Culture Project. I was in the middle of writing a big article with several more in line. I’m constantly keeping up with certain sites to see what they have coming out. When I saw the drop Constraint by Eric Andwer coming to Verse Works in the next few days, I knew instantly I wanted to write about it. He released one of my favorite projects from this year on fx(hash) called let me fall. They feel really similar in some ways. I think the style from let me fall really shines through in Constraint. I ended up collecting five pieces in total from that project and for me that is a big number for one release. The color palettes, textures, and shapes work so well together. They have wonderful details, but also feel very child like at times.

My friend Rezva ended up minting a really rare color palette that only eight in total share. An amazing piece to own from the collection.
let me fall #149 owned by Rezva
These projects share a major theme in dealing with mental health. The artist expresses himself and his struggles through his art. A way to move through problems and thoughts; learning and growing. Understanding that we are all imperfect.
The message that goes with let me fall.
A study of form, empty spaces, panic attacks, asymmetry, tinnitus, chaos, and the never-ending journey to obtain imperfection.
Constraint is curated by Ivan Zhyzhkevych or as most people know him a lonliboy. His article covering the release of this project is a great read. He has a wonderful way with words and conveying the emotions from artist to art.
An excerpt from his article. I recommend giving it a read.
For so many artists, their work is a way of processing emotion. The inherent humanity of creative expression does not cease when a computer is introduced. In many cases, just like pencils, paint, paper, clay: code is merely a tool with which to bring these emotions to life. Eric Andwer’s latest series Constraint is evidence of this.
The works battle with the constraints we experience as we move through life. They visualize the emotions that can overwhelm us, and provide a therapeutic outlet.
Let me fall was a long-form generative project and Constraint is a short-form generative project. A long-form project is an algorithm submitted to an art platform like fx(hash) or Art Blocks where the outputs are random. Short-form uses an algorithm where the artist curates the outputs before publishing them. They explore the outputs of the project and handpick the ones to release.
There are a few different traits that show up through out the collection. I’ve gone through all 232 of them and selected some similar pieces and grouped them together. The labels for each trait are ones I came up with.

A few of my favorites are from the circle trait. They have a wonderful variation in styles.

Most of the time the squares showed up in two distinct types.

I really enjoyed the ones I called minimalist outputs. There is a lot of open space in these.

The star trait has some amazing outputs. A few favorites from the series are the distorted or broken up stars, pieces shifted away from the mass.

The heart was a nice surprise to come across while exploring the project. I liked all the different kinds from half completed hearts, abstract hearts, to shooting star hearts.

The last group didn’t really fit into any of the other categories I created. I labeled all of these as the abstract leftovers, there was a nice range to these.
This will be a 232 piece curated collection. It’s a ranked auction with a rebate.
The available supply will be distributed to the top 232 bids. Winning bidders only pay the lowest winning bid amount.
This project releases on November 7th and runs for 24 hours. Each new bid keeps the auction going for five minutes until no new bids come in.
Some links to the artist, curator, and the project below.
Artist - Eric Andwer
Project - Constraint
Curator - Ivan Zhyzhkevych / a lonliboy
Thanks for reading! Please like and share the article if you enjoyed it. We are just trying to spread some Tezos and Generative Art love with The Culture Project. Our community is open to anyone that wants to learn about or share generative art. The communities Twitter & Discord. My twitter is @joshripple. If you like the content please give us a follow.
Damn those circle and square outputs are bussin, might have to see if I can get one of these piece